Why Agile Quality? According to the 2013 Annual Agile Survey conducted by Version One already 88% of the respondents state, that their organizations are practicing agile development.

1659367149152 The Annual Agile Survey helps to measure the success of agile transformations. Since its inception over 40.000 agile executives, practitioners and #consultants have participated in the survey. According to the results of the survey customer/user satisfaction, business value, on-time delivery, #quality, business objectives achieved are the top measures of success of #agile transformation. Based on the 13th and 14th Annual Agile Survey, the most important measurement of success, the “#Quality”, has increased from 38% to 45%. 1659366077062

The quality of services and products is becoming more and more important for the #softwaredevelopment market and therefore #qualitymanagement must be adapted more quickly. Internal #Agile_coach , executive sponsorship, and company-provided training are the three most successful factors for implementing agile methods based on the Version One report. 1659367119713 Throughout the organization, top management should consider both existing and emerging technological developments that can have a significant impact on the organization's performance in processes related to the delivery of products and services. The organization should have procedures for identifying technological developments and innovations. The financial resources need to adapt to technological changes and the organizational knowledge and ability of the organization have to to respond to technological changes. AEEC9229-ADCF-4E54-A895-77478BEC18D7 newwork agilequality germany